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The Kid Stop

The Kid Stop child care at the Fit Stop Health Club provides a clean, safe environment for children ages 8 weeks to 11 years. Your Children will enjoy time spent with our friendly and devoted staff while you are using our facility.

At the Kid Stop we follow strict guidelines to ensure the most secure and safe environment for your children. Our staff members have passed background checks and are CPR/First-aid certified.

So while you’re working out, don’t sweat it! We have your child care covered at the Kid Stop.

Childcare Waiver

Click here to download the childcare waiver. Sign and bring it in if you're in a hurry.

Reserve a Spot

To ensure your child has a spot at the Kid Stop call us at

(435) 654-2131 to get their name on our list or sign up here.


Do not hesitate to call or email us with any of your questions. We would love to give you a tour to help settle any concerns you may have. 

Limited Availability

Please keep in mind that we are limited by state regulations, fire code and safety concerns to the maximum number of children that we can care for at a given time. While we make every effort to anticipate staffing needs we must limit the number of children to adult ratios. There will be times when we cannot accept everyone who comes to daycare. Often it is just before or after group exercise classes. You can do your part by arriving a little early to your class and picking your child up immediately after your class is over.

We limit each members use of the child care center to two hours at a time, but please make a point of checking in after the first hour.

Kid Care Hours

Monday - Thursday

8:45am - 12:00pm (noon)

4:15pm - 7:30pm


8:45am - 12:00pm (noon)


7:45 am - 11:00am


Want to work with us? Download application here.

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